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ABC is a specialized ecclesiastic heraldic design service company creating symbolic and distinguished insignia for clergyman and organizations through-out the world. From Bishop Seals and Church Logos to family crests and more, we offer our clients a wide range of creative, design and marketing services, allowing for seamless co-ordination for all promotional and broadcast design needs

Located in the heart of New York City, we are a dynamic and fast growing media arts and design firm with an eye for creating unique visual representations for all types businesses.

For more than a decade we have accumulated a presigious spectrum of international clientele, providing the confidence that comes from having a powerful, captivating image.


What we can do for you...

ABC comprises a group of highly trained and skilled professionals working together to provide you and your business the best possible services and solutions for design and digital media challenges.

Wether it be to guide you every step of the way throught your internet enterprises, print advertising or simply redefining your corporate image. We can give you the confidence and security you need with professional one on one service and support




For Immediate Assistance or Inquiries please email us or call 1800 434 1140

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